L'Autre marche (The Other Walk)
Trinh T. Minh-ha and Jean-Paul Bourdier
Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France, June 19 2006 -2009
Large-scale multi-media installation.
A cultural rite of passage and a transformative walk conceived for a 160-meter ramp that precedes the entrance into the new museum of Mankind, the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France. Images across Asian, African, Oceania and American cultures are selected and structured rhythmically so as to work on the visitor's perception and prepare the latter in his/her journey amidst the museum's visual and material environments of world cultures. The project was completed for the opening of the Musée du Quai Branly on June 19 2006 and continues to be on view for the next two to three years.
As it is often said in Asia, what is miraculous is not to walk on water, but to walk on earth. Walking is an experience of indefiniteness and of infinity. With each step forward, one receives wide open and deep into oneself, the gifts of the universe.
The passage of the other into oneself, the course taken between sounds, images and aphorisms, or between the said and the seen along the ramp is an initiation walk that spans across several cultures of Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. With each step taken, relations between passage, passer-by, and passing time are mutually activated. Questions raised through sensual experience could incite the visitor to reflect on his or her present activities as spectator-researcher-visitor.
The passage of the other into oneself, the course taken between sounds, images and aphorisms, or between the said and the seen along the ramp is an initiation walk that spans across several cultures of Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. With each step taken, relations between passage, passer-by, and passing time are mutually activated. Questions raised through sensual experience could incite the visitor to reflect on his or her present activities as spectator-researcher-visitor. Meaning moves with walking and with the coming and going, appearing and disappearing of the lit aphorisms. The strolling along the ramp could turn out to be a "rite of passage" whose fluid movement in three phases, "Transition," "Transformation," and "Overture" is suggested accordingly through sounds and visual rhythms.
To each phase of L’Autre marche (The Other Walk) corresponds a rhythm, as well as a sonorous and musical environment. To each screen corresponds a sequence of images peculiar to a culture (Senegal: Tokolor, Mandingo, Joola and Soninke; Yemen; Vietnam; China; Japan, Indonesia, and USA).
Awareness of a different walking toward the Self, the Other and the World takes place in the space between. At once exterior and interior to the museum, the trajectory in the ramp is also a passage from the human to the animal, vegetal and mineral universe. Access to a world other is characterized by a work that unfolds at the limit of the visual, between the immateriality of light-images projections or of sound resonances and the materiality of the objects exhibited in the museum.
[In its largely immaterial nature, this project, which is mainly based on the element of light for its visibility, may also be viewed as a counter-statement to the contents of the museum/museums that remain heavily focused on material reality, and the acquisition and exhibition of objects as cultural evidences.]
The installation unfolds in 28 autonomous visual sequences, with shifting aphorisms in twelve different languages intermittently appearing and disappearing (via 19 gobo projectors) on the sides and on the floor. In other words, it includes:
- 19 digital video sequences projected on screens (phase 1), on the ground (phases 2 et 3), et on the two side walls of the ramp (phase 3)
- 3 sequences of sounds composed for each of the 3 phases
- 19 aphorisms projected on the ground, on the guard-rails and on the vertical inner surfaces along the ramp. These aphorisms are as follows (originally in French with translations into 12 other languages that are only indicated here for the main three aphorisms):
Le monde vient vers soi à chaque pas
With each step, the world comes to us
(translated into Arabic, Chinese and Swahili)
Illusion d’ un tracé stable dans la rivière
Illusion of a stable trace in the river
The watching image
(originally in English)
A chaque pas, une fleur s’ouvre sous nos pieds
With each step, a flower blooms under our feet
(translated into Korean, Portuguese, Bahasa and Russian)
Vitesses de l’autre
Autre temps
The other's speed
Other time
Dans l’instant, le temps s’ouvre infini
In the instant, time opens out infinitely
Not descriptive
Not informative
Not interesting
(originally in English)
Le doigt qui montre la lune n’est pas la lune
The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon
Voir sans voix
Voix aveugle
Seeing voiceless
Blind voice
Apprendre à marcher de nouveau
Learning how to walk anew
(translated into Spanish, Farsi et Ancient Egyptian)
cette image que je suis
this image that I am
avec l’oreille de l’autre
with the other's ear
savoir par le non-savoir
know through non-knowing
l’entrée en soi ouvre sur l’autre
moving into oneself opens onto the other
Le monde est comme une goutte de rosée qui s’évapore
aux premiers rayons du soleil (Proverbe sérère)
The world is like a drop of dew that evaporates
At the first sun rays (Sereer Proverb)
In French:
L’ Autre marche
Trinh T. Minh-ha et Jean-Paul Bourdier
Installation audio-visuelle
(Scénographie de la Rampe donnant accès au Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France)
Il est souvent dit en Asie, que le miracle n’est pas de marcher sur l’eau, mais de marcher sur terre. La marche est une expérience de l’indéfini et de l’infini. En allant au devant, pas à pas, c’est l’ entrée en soi des dons de l’univers que l’on reçoit.
Le passage de l’autre en soi, le parcours entre images, sons et aphorismes, ou entre le dit et le vu au long de la rampe est une marche initiatique qui traverse plusieurs cultures d’Asie, d’Afrique et d’Amérique. Chaque pas contribuerait à engendrer les relations agissant entre passant, passage et passager. Les questions que pose l’expérience sensuelle pourrait inciter le visiteur à la rélfexion sur son activité au moment présent et dans sa position de visiteur-spectateur-chercheur.
Le sens bouge avec la marche et selon l’apparition et la disparition, lumineuses, des aphorismes. Parcourir la rampe devient comme “rite de passage” dont le mouvement fluide en trois phases, “Transition”, “Transformation”, et “Ouverture” se trouve suggéré par des sons et des rythmes visuels correspondants.
A chaque phase de L’Autre marche correspond un rythme, un son et une musique particuliers. A chaque écran correspond une séquence d’images provenant d’une culture spécifique (Sénégal: Toucouleur, Mandingue, Diola et Soninké;Yemen;Vietnam; Chine; Japon; Indonésie; Amérique).
La prise de conscience d'une marche autre à la rencontre du Soi, de l'Autre et du Monde s’effectue dans l’espace entre. A la fois extérieur et intérieur au musée, le trajet dans la rampe est aussi un passage de l’univers humain à l’univers végétal, animal et minéral. L’accès à un monde autre est caractérisé par un travail qui se déploie à la limite du visuel, entre l’immatérialité des projections d’image-lumière ou des résonances de son, et la matérialité des objets du musée.
L’installation comprends:
- 19 séquences vidéo numériques projetées sur écrans (phase 1), par terre (phases 2 et 3), et sur les écrans parois des deux côtés de la rampe (phase 3)
- 3 séquences son
- 19 aphorismes projetés par terre, sur le garde-corps et sur les parois verticals (les traductions en d'autres langues ne sont indiquées ici que pour les 3 aphorismes principaux).